
jeudi 16 avril 2015

Is Your Child Ready?

I have a question for you... and just so you know, the answer is supposed to be "yes", okay? Here's my question: Has your child every had a negative experience in a situation, and you just knew it was going to happen? In other words, you weren't surprised when it happened, maybe you were even "counting down" until the tantrum, meltdown or shut down took place? Of course you have. As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else, and you probably have an uncanny ability to predict how your child will reach in certain situations. I know I do. This can be frustrating, because although you may know what's going to happen, you may not always feel prepared to handle it when it does. Today, I'm going to teach you how to prepare yourself (and your child) for better experiences that will leave you both feeling happier and more in control of the situation.
Perhaps your child "acts out" in crowds, throws a temper if they don't get what they want, or completely shuts down if things don't work out the way he/she would like it to. Whatever it is, as a parent you already know what that *thing* is that sets your child off, right? Now let's turn the tables and look at YOU for a minute. How would you respond if you weren't prepared to deal with whatever it is in your own life that you don't enjoy? What would it be like for you to be "thrown in" to something that you're not ready for (speaking in front of a group, leading a meeting, etc.), without any advance notice or opportunity to get ready? You'd probably be quite annoyed and upset. Not many of us enjoy being put on the spot. The same goes for your child... the only difference is that he/she may not be able to articulate what they're feeling, and therefore, aren't able to deal with the situation properly when it occurs; hence, the meltdown and freaking out.
By Milissa L Harding Source : http://ezinearticles.com/ 

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